During the years websites of many Polish DXpeditions were built on the DXing.pl server and most of them were registered as subdomains. A DXpedition website is used right before the event, during the expedition and some weeks after the DXpedition. Then, day by day, the information is getting more and more outdated.
In the case of old websites initially located at DXing.pl we decided to keep the basic information: dates, team members, QSO data, QSL info, lists of donors and of course picture galleries. Just to keep the history of the DXpeditions.
We hope you will find this webiste intersting and perhaps you will find callsigns you have in your logbook.
Of course there are far more websites of Polish DXpeditions. In this aspect the place worth visiting is the website https://sp.dxpeditions.org/. It is the place where Leszek SP6CIK keeps the record of abroad activities of Polish HAMs.